Septuagint by Jennifer Dinesintroductory survey of current scholarship on the Septuagint. The Septuagint's relationship with the standard Hebrew text and its translational characteristics are examined, as is its value as a collection with its own literary and exegetical character.
Septuagint Research : issues and challenges in the study of the Greek Jewish scriptures by Wolfgang Krauscomprehensive and representative picture of septuagintal research today. surveys methodological issues, thematic and book-centered studies focused on the Old Greek Septuagint translations, the use of these translations in the New Testament, and a call for the exploration of the theologies of the Septuagint as a bridge between the theologies of the Hebrew Bible and those of the New Testament.
Septuaginta: A Readers Edition by Gregory R. LanierRahlfs-Hanhart revised Septuaginta, laid out in a clear and readable format. every word occurring 100 times or fewer in the Rahlfs-Hanhart text--as well as every word that occurs more than 100 times in the Rahlfs-Hanhart text but fewer than 30 times in the Greek New Testament--is accompanied by a footnote that provides a contextual gloss for the word and full parsing. appendix provides a complete alphabetized list of common vocabulary, with comparison of a word's usage in the New Testament.
A New English Translation of the Septuagint by Albert Pietersmaincludes footnotes calling attention to relevant textual issues. extensive introduction to the project as a whole and to the particular issues involved in the rendering of the Psalms into English. many volumes to come.