Saxa Judaica Loquuntur, Lessons from Early Jewish Inscriptions by Pieter W. van der Horstdemonstrates what kinds of new information this development yields. exemplifies the relevance of early Jewish inscriptions by means of a study of Judaism in Asia Minor on the basis of epigraphic material. It also highlights several areas of research for which this material provides us with insights that the Jewish literary sources do not grant us. selection of some 50 inscriptions, in both their original languages and English translation with explanatory notes. Online available.
Inscriptiones Judaicae Orientis by Walter Ameling"Das Problem bei jeder Beschaftigung mit der judischen Diaspora stellen die Quellen dar, die aus sehr unterschiedlichen Gegenden, Zeiten und Kontexten stamen. Kleinasien, wie wire s aus der Apostelgeschichte kennen, gehort zu den Landschaften, in denen es besonders zahlreiche judische Gemeinden gab. Walter Ameling konzentriert sich auf eine bestimmte Quellengruppe in dieser Gedend, die Inschriften."
The Jewish Manumission Inscriptions of the Bosporus Kingdom by E. Leigh GibsonGreek inscriptions that record the manumission of slaves in synagogues located on the hellenized north shore of the Black Sea in the first three centuries of the common era. Through a comparison of this corpus with manumission inscriptions from elsewhere in the Greco-Roman world and an analysis of Greco-Roman Judaism's own interaction with slavery, she assesses the degree to which the Black Sea Jewish community adopted classical traditions of manumissions.
Jewish Inscriptions of Western Europe by David Noyprovides ready access to the Jewish inscriptions from Italy and the islands, Spain, France and Germany. Volume 2 concentrates on the inscriptions of the City of Rome.