Discovering Second Temple Literature by Malka Z. SimkovichExploring the world of the Second Temple period (539 BCE-70 CE), in particular the vastly diverse stories, commentaries, and other documents written by Jews during the last three centuries of this period.
The Jews among the Greeks and Romans by Margaret Williamsassembles, assesses, and contextualizes literary and archaeological evidence relating to Jewish communities outside the land of Israel. covers the period beginning with the Diaspora that resulted from the chaos of Alexander the Great's death in 323 BCE and concluding with the demise of the Jewish Patriarchate around 420 CE.
Jewish Fictional Letters from Hellenistic Egypt by L. Michael White; G. Anthony KeddieGreek text and English translation of, with introduction, notes, and commentary on, the Epistle of Aristeas, with key testimonia from Philo, Josephus, and Eusebius as well as other related examples of Jewish fictional letters from the Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha.
Early Jewish Literature: An Anthology by Brad Embryselections from Second Temple-era Jewish literature, each introduced and translated by a leading scholar in the field. Organized by genre, this two-volume anthology presents both complete works and substantial excerpts of longer works, giving readers a solid introduction to the major works of the era--the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Old Testament Pseudepigrapha, the writings of Josephus and Philo of Alexandria, and the Septuagint (Apocrypha).