Reading Philo by Torrey Selanddiscuss Philo in context, offer methodological considerations (how best to study Philo), and explore Philo's ongoing relevance and value (why reading him is important).
Philo of Alexandria by Jean Danielou;Anyone interested in patristics, exegesis, or simply Christian beginnings will benefit by reading Danielou's treatment of Philo.
Philo Studies
The Cambridge Companion to Philo by Adam Kamesaran account of Philo's achievements. It contains a profile of his life and times, a systematic overview of his many writings, and survey chapters of the key features of his thought, as seen from the perspectives of Judaism and Greek philosophy. a section devoted to Philo's influence and significance. gives readers a sense of the state of scholarship and provides depth of vision in key areas of Philonic studies. Online available.
Philo in Translation
on the Creation of the Cosmos According to Moses by David T. Runianew English translation and commentary. make Philo s thought accessible to readers such as graduate students who are just beginning to read him, but also contains much material that will be of interest to specialists in Hellenistic Judaism, ancient philosophy and patristic literature.
on planting by Albert Geljonfirst translation and commentary in English on his treatise De plantatione (On planting), following on the volume devoted to On cultivation. commentary pays attention to the treatise's structure, its biblical basis and its exegetical and philosophical contents.
Flaccus by Pieter Willem van der Horstintroduction in which matters of genre, historical background, the textual evidence etc. are discussed. new English translation of the Greek text. philological and historical commentary on Philo s text.
on Cultivation by Albert C. Geljonfirst translation and commentary in English on his treatise De agricultura (On cultivation), which gives an elaborate allegorical interpretation of Genesis 9:20. commentary pays particular attention to the treatise's structure, its biblical basis and its exegetical and philosophical contents.
Les Œuvres de Philon d'Alexandrie by Roger Arnaldez et al.1. De opificio mundi -- 2. Legum allegoriae -- 3. De Cherubim -- 4. De sacrificiis Abelis et Caini -- 5. Quod deterius potiori insidiari soleat -- 6. De posteritate Caini -- 7. De gigantibus -- 8. Quod Deus sit immutabilis -- 9. De agricultura -- 10. De plantatione -- 11. De ebrietate -- 12. De sobrietate -- 13. De confusione linguarum -- 14. De migratione Abrahami -- 15. Quis rerum divinarum heres sit -- 16. De congressu eruditionis gratia -- 17. De fuga et inventione -- 18. De mutatione nominum -- 19. De somniis -- 20. De Abrahamo -- 21. De Iosepho -- 22. De vita Mosis -- 23. De Decalogo -- 24-25. De specialibus legibus -- 26. De virtutibus -- 27. De praemiis et poenis ; De exsecrationibus -- 28. Quod omnis probus liber sit -- 29. De vita contemplativa -- 30. De aeternitate mundi -- 31. In Flaccum -- 32. Legatio ad Caium -- 33. Quaestiones in Genesim et in Exodum (fragmenta Graeca) -- 34 A-B. Quaestiones in Genesim (e versione armeniaca) -- 34 C. Questiones in Exodum (e versione armeniaca) -- 35. De Provi