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History of Science and Medicine Primary Sources at Yale: Home

A guide to Yale primary sources for research into the history of science and medicine.

Welcome and Information

  • This guide is intended to facilitate primary-source research in all aspects of the history of science and medicine. Yale has extensive collections of primary sources for the study of the history of science and medicine. Athough by no means comprehensive, this guide assembles some of the most notable holdings accessible to those in the Yale community. I hope it will be a good starting point for students and researchers.
  • The tabs are organized by chronological period and theme. Just click on the tab above that interests you!
  • Just a note: I'm still finalizing the links on some of the tabs. If you see a title without a link that interests you, the easiest way to find its location is via an Orbis title search. 

Subject Guide

Profile Photo
Melissa Grafe
John R. Bumstead Librarian for Medical History
Cushing/Whitney Medical Library
Yale University
333 Cedar Street
New Haven, CT 06510