An Ecological Theology of Liberation: Salvation and Political Ecology by Daniel P. CastilloWhat is the relationship between salvation, human liberation, and care for creation? Extending the ideas presented in Gustavo Gutierrez's A Theology of Liberation, Daniel Castillo embraces a green liberation theology that recognizes the need for political and ideological paradigm shifts in relation to globalization.
Ethics: A Liberative Approach (Online) by Miguel De La Torre (Editor)This survey text for religious ethics and theological ethics courses explores how ethical concepts defined as liberationist, which initially was a Latin American Catholic phenomenon, is presently manifest around the globe and within the United States across different racial, ethnic, and gender groups.
Dignidad: Ethics through Hispanic Eyes by Ismael GarciaTouches on key experiences that can be identified as formative of the ethical view of Hispanics, including the experience of migration, the dynamics of social integration, the struggle to define new identity and be faithful to one's cultural heritage are seen as relevant to the formation of the Hispanic moral point of view.