Comentario Bíblico ContemporáneoA contextual biblical commentary written by scholars from Latin America. Written from broadly evangelical perspective.
Comentario Bíblico HispanoamericanoIncludes commentaries on the Gospel of Mark; James and Jude; 1st and 2nd Peter; Amos and Obadiah; Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther; the Pastoral Epistles; and Genesis.
Reading the Bible from the Margins by Miguel A. De La Torre (Editor)This introduction focuses on how issues involving race, class, and gender influence our understanding of the Bible. Describing how "standard" readings of the Bible are not always acceptable to people or groups on the "margins," this book afters valuable new insights into biblical texts today.
Toward a Latino/a Biblical Interpretation by Francisco Lozada Jr.Explores the complex and diverse issues related to Latino/a biblical interpretation. After laying the theoretical foundation, he offers three sample readings of biblical texts to lead readers through the intricacy of interpretation that has historically and culturally surrounded understanding what it means to do Latino/a biblical interpretation.
English Commentaries
Genesis by Miguel A. De La TorreA theological interpretation of Genesis written through the themes of liberation and the concerns of the poor and marginalized. Written by a Cuban American author.
The Bible and Borders: Hearing God's Word on Immigration by M. Daniel Carroll R.Following the release of his book Christians at the Border, M. Daniel Carroll R. spent the next decade continuing to speak and write about immigration. The Bible and Borders sharpens Carroll's focus and refines his argument to make sure we hear clearly what the Bible says about one of the most pressing issues of our day.