Mission Between the Times by C. René PadillaOffers a Latin American perspective on the different aspects of the mission of the church. All mission must proceed from the context of the principles of the whole of the Kingdom of God, says Padilla, and that entails an evangelism fully integrated with a concern for social responsibility.
The New Global Mission: The Gospel from Everywhere to Everyone by Samuel E. EscobarAn introduction to Christian mission today. He explores the new realities of our globalized world and assesses the context of a changing mission field that is simultaneously secular and syncretistic. He also sets forth a thoroughly biblical theology of missions, considering how God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are at work around the world, with implications for how Christians are to go about the task of global mission.
Crisis and Hope in Latin America: An Evangelical Perspective by Nunez, Emilio AntonioThis book provides a panoramic yet thorough study of evangelicalism in Latin America. Part one examines the historical, socio-political, and religious context. Part two probes into post-conciliar Roman Catholicism, the charismatic movements, contextualization, and social responsibility. Part three explores the implications for churches and mission agencies. Written by a prominent integral mission theologian.