Conference of Latin American Bishops Documents Online
CELAM II (Medellin 1968)An influential conference of the Latin American Conference of Bishops that paved the way for some of the most influential ideas within liberation theology.
CELAM III (Puebla 1979)Another influential conference of the Latin American conference of Bishops that paved the way for liberation theology.
History of Christianity in LATAM
Christianity in Latin America: A History by Ondina E. González; Justo L. GonzálezPresents the important encounters between people, ideas, and events of Latin America. Offers an accessible and engaging review of the history of Christianity in Latin America with a widely ecumenical focus to foster understanding of the various forces shaping both Christianity and the region.
In Search of Christ in Latin America by Samuel EscobarOffers a survey and study of Christology in Latin America. Starts with the first Spanish influence and moving through popular religiosity and liberationist themes in Catholic and Protestant thought of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.
To All Nations from All Nations: A History of the Christian Missionary Movement by Carlos F. Cardoza-Orlandi; Justo L. GonzalezBroadly introduces prominent missionary practices and major historical figures using three perspectives. First, it takes into account the missionary activity proceeding from the margins. Second, it narrates the cross-cultural, cross-confessional, and cross-religious dynamics that characterize Christian missionary activity. And third, it emphasizes that much missionary activity is generated by national rather than international missionaries.
Popular Voices in Latin American Catholicism (Online) by Daniel H. LevineCombining interviews and community studies in Venezuela and Colombia with analysis of broad ideological and institutional transformations, it examines how religious and cultural change begins and what gives it substance and lasting impact.