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Finding Lewis Walpole Library Collection Material: LUX

Providing guidance on using various discovery tools to find collection material at the Lewis Walpole Library

Search Tips

Advanced: Use Advanced Search options to specify and enter your search terms. Use Simple Search to create nested searches; these can be Boolean or phrase searches. Select Multiple Fields to enter more than one search criterion. Multiple Fields will prompt you to select a grouping (ALL, ANY, NONE). Use Single Field to select and search for a specific term. When using Multiple Fields add a Single Field when you are ready to enter search term(s) in a text box.

 "AND", "OR", and "-" do not have special meaning in Advanced Search as they do in Simple Search. Instead use multiple fields connected with "has All of", "has Any of", and "has None of" respectively.


What it is

LUX is a single point of discovery for Yale’s cultural heritage and natural history items from Yale University Library, the Yale Center for British Art, the Yale Peabody Museum, and the Yale University Art Gallery. These collections include works of art, archives, books, scientific specimens, and other collection items held at the University. LUX also includes records for people, groups, places, concepts, and events connected to items in Yale’s collections.  

About Lux

When to use LUX and when to use other discovery tools

Although LUX brings together records for each of the Yale Campus Division collecting units, there are differences between what you can do in LUX and what you can find in the local catalog systems.  

Yale Library’s Quicksearch
LUX contains records from the Library’s online catalog (ORBIS) and the Archives at Yale Finding Aid database. It also includes digital images from the Library’s collections when there is a link from one of these two catalogs. LUX does not include the Law Library’s catalog (Morris). You will benefit from using both Quicksearch* and LUX for your research.

  • Quicksearch provides access to journal articles and other content from external library-provided databases, and some digitized local material
  • Quicksearch provides access to all of Yale Library’s digitized collections
  • Quicksearch allows a comprehensive search of both ORBIS and Morris
  • Quicksearch allows you to order physical materials for pickup at a library, or for use in a library special collections reading room

*NOTE: Licensed electronic resources in Quicksearch require you to login in with your Yale University credentials.   

Yale Peabody Museum collections search
LUX content is very similar to the Peabody Museum collections portal, but more details may be available via the portal, such as historical assessments of the type of specimen

Yale Center for British Art collections search
The Yale Center for British Art (YCBA) collections search is somewhat different from LUX. The same collection data used in the YCBA collections search is used in LUX but presented and augmented differently. The YCBA catalog is focused on objects and items and does not have records for people, groups, places, or events. Both LUX and the YCBA collections search allow you to search across the YCBA’s art objects, rare books and manuscripts, archives, and reference library collections. However, the YCBA collections search offers additional information on YCBA exhibitions, links to other resources at the YCBA, and links to external bibliographic resources

Yale University Art Gallery collections search
LUX contains the same data as the Gallery’s collections search. LUX also has data from external sources that are not available through the Gallery’s search portal, allowing connections between the Gallery’s collection objects and other resources throughout Yale.