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Finding Lewis Walpole Library Collection Material: QUICKSEARCH

Providing guidance on using various discovery tools to find collection material at the Lewis Walpole Library


Read the information in the Help pages to learn how to construct effective searches in Quicksearch. 


Quicksearch is faceted, so, unlike Orbis, in Quicksearch you can set your limits before or after you conduct the search

Advanced Search in Quicksearch--Books+ enables more structured searching and pre-search limits for location, format, date, etc. 

Click on or tap Books+ to search books, bound manuscripts, visual materials, and other printed works.

Identifying Published Material at the LWL Not Held Elsewhere

While we cannot point to a comprehensive way to ascertain whether a text published during the eighteenth century at the LWL is not held elsewhere and thus not digitized in a major database like ECCO, we can say that searching on the phrase "not in ESTC" will get a many of the published texts uniquely held here.

In addition, extra-illustrated volumes, texts with annotations, manuscripts, and drawings are all considered unique. 

What it is

Quicksearch unites several search services under one discovery interface.

See Quicksearch Help page for more information and tips on searching. 

Limiting to location and format

In Quicksearch Books+ Advanced Search, highlight Location of collection (Lewis Walpole Library) before ​you enter search terms. You can also set limits by Format to select Books, Archives and Manuscripts, Images, etc. and Date(s).

Books+ Advanced limiting to location


Search in Books+, then refine after you search to limit to Location: Lewis Walpole Library. You can also then limit to Format: Images, Books, Manuscripts, or whatever you need. Click or tap on the + signs after other facets to see further options for limiting your search.