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Finding Lewis Walpole Library Collection Material: ORBIS

Providing guidance on using various discovery tools to find collection material at the Lewis Walpole Library



Truncation--use ? as a truncation symbol to expand a search for spelling variants or alternative endings. For example colo?r will yield color or colour; theat? will yield theatre theater theatrical theatricals. 

Do not include apostrophes, dashes, or parentheses in a search

Provenance--use Advanced Search and select "Holdings Keyword" from the dropdown next to Within

Use Advanced Search to structure searches and set limits

See Orbis Advanced Search Help for more tips


Identifying Published Material at the LWL Not Held Elsewhere

While we cannot point to a comprehensive way to ascertain whether a text published during the eighteenth century at the LWL is not held elsewhere and thus not digitized in a major database like ECCO, we can say that searching on the phrase "not in ESTC" will get a many of the published texts uniquely held here.

In addition, extra-illustrated volumes, texts with annotations, manuscripts, and drawings are all considered unique. 

What Orbis is

Orbis is Yale's online library catalog. Search Orbis for all library holdings including but not limited to books, electronic resources, audiobooks, musical scores, magazines, newspapers and manuscripts. You may search by keyword, author, title, journal title, call number, subject or special collections subject. Advanced search options are also available.  Access to Orbis is available under "Research" on the Yale University Library homepage.

To search by call number, use Basic search and select "Call Number (Local)" from dropdown menu on right.

Use Advanced Search to set limits to location (Lewis Walpole Library), material type, etc.

A link that say "Digital Version" in the holdings record links to a digital image or images in FindIt Digital Collections. 


Setting Search Limits -- Location:.Lewis Walpole Library

In Orbis Advanced Search, highlight Location of collection (Lewis Walpole Library) before ​you enter search terms

Setting Search Limits -- Type of material (books, manuscriipts, prints, etc.)

In Orbis Advanced Search, highlight Type of material required (select only one) before you enter search terms

Books = Books

Archives or Manuscripts = Manuscripts

Visual Material = Prints, Drawings, Paintings

Requesting material

To order items to view in the reading room, click on the link in the Orbis record that says "Request for Use in the Lewis Walpole Library"