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Science Data Resources: General

Resources for data in the sciences.

General resources for science data

In this subject guide, you will find resources to connect you to resources for data in the natural and life sciences. The table of contents to the left will show you the types of resources included on each page. Below, please find links to related guides and guide pages that might be helpful to you.

see also

These guides are also likely to contain information that will lead you to data or statistical resources in specific subject areas, and they are also a gateway to subject librarians who can help you with specific requests.

Contact a librarian!

This guide is maintained by several librarians, and one or more of us may be able to help you. Contact one or all of us to schedule a consultation or ask a question.

Kayleigh Bohemier

Librarian for Astronomy, Earth & Planetary Sciences, and Physics

Barbara Esty

Data Librarian, Marx Library

Rolando Garcia-Milian

Biomedical Sciences Research Support

Kaitlin Throgmorton

Data Librarian for the Health Sciences

For questions about your existing data management protocols or an NSF data management proposal, please contact the Research Data Support Services.