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Yale and Slavery: Newspaper articles

Bibliographic list of source materials on Yale and slavery.

Newspaper Articles

The newspaper articles section features digitized articles from various American newspapers either describing events that took place on the Yale campus or in New Haven, or were written by Yale alumni during the period. Also included are several black abolitionist newspapers provided by the Library of Congress. 

Newspaper articles

"The College" (The Liberator 1831)

"Mob at New-haven" (Genius of Temperance, Philanthropist and People's Advocate 1831)

"Mathew Carey's Pamphlet" (The Liberator 1832)

"Refuge of Oppression" (The Liberator 1834)

"Disturbance of an Abolition Meeting at New Haven" (New England Spectator 1836)

"Yale College Commencement" by Joshua Leavitt (New York Evangelist 1836)

"Messrs. Editors—I send you for publication the annexed article, written by Professor Gibbs, of Yale College" (Colored American 1839)

"The New Haven Rioters" (The Liberator 1839)

"Serious Affray at Yale College" (Vermont Chronicle 1847)

"Multiple News Items" (Cleveland Daily Herald 1850)

"Yale College - Influence of Slavery" (Emancipator and Republican 1850)

"Northern Servility" (The Liberator 1852)

"GOV. SEWARD was to have been the orator for the Phi Beta Kappo [sic] for Yale College next year, and the appointment, says the New Haven Register, was slyly made; but Judge Cone, of Georgia, and other distinguished Southern gentleman, gave them to understand that if such men were to be selected, the friends of the College North would soon have those exercises to themselves, and must look for support among the same classes" (Pennsylvania Freeman 1852)

"Rev Dr. Fitch, long an eminent Professor in the Theological Department of Yale College, in his farewell discourse to the graduating class, came out strongly and unequivocally in vindication of the Higher Law" (Pennsylvania Freeman 1852)

"Abolitionism at Yale College" (Anti-Slavery Standard 1853)

"Old Times and New" (Portland Inquirer 1853)

"Yale College" by James Hamilton (National Anti-Slavery Standard 1853)

"Church Action on Slavery" (North Star 1854)

"College Honours" by Thomas S. Grimke (National Anti-Slavery Standard 1854)

"Mr. Seward's Address" (The National Era 1854)

"The Richmond Enquirer is urging the South to withdraw their patronage from Northern Colleges, on account of the expression given by the Professors in Yale Colleges, of their sentiments on the Nebraska iniquity" (New Hampshire Statesman 1854)

"The Divinity of Yale College Aroused Against Slavery" (Rhode Island Freeman 1854)

"Letter to Frederick Douglass"  (North Star 1855)

"Admitted to Yale" (The Liberator 1855)

"Miss Beecher and the Virginia Students" by Catherine E. Beecher (The Liberator 1855)

"Withdrawal of Southern Patronage from Northern Colleges!!" (North Star 1855)

"Bible and Rifles-Kansas Meeting in New Haven" (The Liberator 1856)

"Ward Beecher and Prof. Silliman" (The Liberator 1856)

"Pro-Slavery" (National Anti-Slavery Standard 1856)

"A Distressed Slaveholder" (Anti-Slavery Bugle 1857)

"A Disunion Orator" (The Liberator 1857)

"The Republican Scholar of Necessity an Agitator" (The Liberator 1857)

"A Dangerous Southern Man" (National Era 1858)

"Progress in New Haven" (National Anti-Slavery Standard 1858)

"The Execution of Brown" (Charleston Tri-Weekly Courier 1859)

"Free Thinking and Fanaticism" (National Anti-Slavery Standard 1859)

"Secession of Yale College" (Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper 1861)













Black abolitionist newspapers

Colored American (1837-1842)

Weekly Anglo-African (1859-1861)

Frederick Douglass Newspapers - Library of Congress (1847-1874)