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Yale and Slavery: Home

Bibliographic list of source materials on Yale and slavery.

Welcome to the Yale and Slavery Subject Guide.

This subject guide presents key resources for the study of Yale and its historical connections to slavery, the slave trade, abolition, and Black resistance and community-building in New Haven. Within each chronological section of the guide, users will discover links to archival and manuscript sources as well as digitized resources including primary sources, book chapters, journal and newspaper articles, doctoral dissertations, and more. It reflects work done as part of the Yale and Slavery Research Project (2020-2024), a university-wide effort involving Yale faculty, staff, students, and local scholars, and builds on centuries of historical research and memory-keeping. To learn more, visit the Yale and Slavery website, which features a timeline, videos, and a link to the book, Yale and Slavery: A History, by David W. Blight with the Yale and Slavery Research Project (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2024).

With questions or to recommend updates to the subject guide, please contact Hope McGrath, Research Coordinator for Yale, New Haven, and Connecticut History, at, or Michael Lotstein, University Archivist, at