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Theatre Studies, Drama, and Dance: Find Scholarly Articles

All things Theatre, for DGSD grad students, TDPS undergrad, and anyone interested in acting, theatrical design, directing, playwriting, etc.

If there's "No Full Text Available" for your article...

Not everything is online, and this is especially true in the humanities. Go to Quicksearch and search the title of the journal as a Journal Title. All available formats (print, electronic, or microform) and issues held by the library will be listed in your search results.

If the journal title or issue you want is not owned by the Yale University Library, place a request via Interlibrary Loan using the citation you found in the article database.


WorldCat is an online "union catalog"--a database of over 1 billion records of books and other materials held in more than 10,000 academic, public, special and national libraries around the world. Use WorldCat to locate materials outside of Yale, including archival collections and essays or plays within anthologies. The free Web version is at

Databases for Full-Text Plays and Scholarly Articles

Drama Online
A full-text-searchable database of play scripts, full-length video and audio productions, and scholarly works on theory, criticism, and practice from Bloomsbury, Methuen, Nick Hern, Faber and Faber, and other partners. Especially useful are the play finder and monologue search tools. Video and audio packages include:

  • National Theatre Collection
  • L.A. Theatre Works
  • Globe on Screen
  • The Hollow Crown
  • Oscar Wilde Classic Spring Theatre

International Bibliography of Theatre and Dance
A fully indexed, cross-referenced and annotated databank of over 60,000 journal articles, books, book chapters and dissertation abstracts on all aspects of theatre and performance in 126 countries.

Performing Arts Periodicals Database (formerly International Index to the Performing Arts Full Text)
This article index draws its current content from more than 200 scholarly and popular performing arts periodicals, and covers a broad spectrum of the arts and entertainment industry, including dance, drama, theater, stagecraft, musical theater, circus performance, opera, pantomime, puppetry, magic, performance art, film, television and more.

New Play Exchange
Digital library of scripts by living writers which can be filtered by title, length, age level, genre, subject matter, production history, script availability, cast size and characteristics, playwright, and playwright demographics. 

Alexander Street Literature
Searches across the following Alexander Street drama and literature databases:

Literature Online
Searches across the following ProQuest drama and literature databases:

  • African Writers Series
  • American Drama 1714-1915
  • English Drama
  • Twentieth Century Drama

Oxford Reference for Performing Arts
Online and full-text-searchable versions of major reference works from Oxford University Press, including the Oxford Companion to the Theatre, Oxford Encyclopedia of Theatre and Performance, Oxford Companion to American Theatre, Continuum Companion to Twentieth Century Theatre, Oxford Dictionary of Plays, and Oxford Companion to Shakespeare.

Entertainment Industry Magazine Archive
An archival research resource containing the essential primary sources for studying the history of the film and entertainment industries, from the era of vaudeville and silent movies through to 2000. Core US and UK trade magazines covering film, music, broadcasting and theater are included, together with film fan magazines and music press titles. Magazines have been scanned cover-to-cover in high-resolution color, with indexing of all articles, covers, ads and reviews.

Shakespeare Collection
A comprehensive and authoritative online resource for Shakespearean research, bringing together general reference data, full-text scholarly periodicals, reprinted criticism, primary source material and the full-text annotated works from The Arden Shakespeare.

World Shakespeare Bibliography Online
Annotated entries for all important books, articles, book reviews, dissertations, theatrical productions, reviews of productions, audiovisual materials, electronic media, and other scholarly and popular materials related to Shakespeare and published or produced since 1960.

Arts and Humanities Citation Index
Multidisciplinary index covering over 1,100 journals in the arts and humanities, with coverage from 1975 to the present.

MLA International Bibliography
Provides access to citations of books, journal articles, conference papers, and dissertations concerning general and comparative literature. 

A historic full-text archive of scholarly journals that includes the arts and humanities.

Arts Librarian

Profile Photo
Erin Carney
Robert B. Haas Family Arts Library
Room 117

How do I log into a subscription database?

Most of the resources listed here are subscription access only and thus limited to current Yale students, faculty, and staff. There is no separate login, but you must be connected to the Yale network on campus or connect remotely via EZproxy or VPN--see Off-Campus Access for details. If you do not have a current Yale NetID, please visit the Arts Library in person.