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Film Studies Research Guide: Directors, Actors, Writers, etc.

A guide to conducting research in Film Studies at Yale University, including key resources and crucial search strategies.

Books on Individual Directors, Writers, and Actors

To search by works by a specific director, do an Author search: i.e. welles, orson

To search works about a specific director, do a Subject search: i.e. welles, orson

To search works by a specific actor, do an Author search: i.e. yeoh, michelle

You can conduct similar searches for writers and other people.


See also Biographies, Credits and Plots.

Websites on Individuals

Here is an example of a website on a director. As with any website, note that information may or may not be authoritative.

Books on Filmmaking Positions and Social Groups

Here are some selected subject headings for searching Orbis:


NOTE: These subject headings are about the actual people -- not about films about these groups of people.  For example, Spike Lee is an African American director, but not all of his films are about African Americans.  Nevertheless sometimes there may be overlap with Themes, Subjects & Characters.


See also Filmmaking & Producing.

Reference and Online Resources


Be sure to look at the Bibliographies & Filmographies page for more resources on particular social groups! 

Director, Yale Film Archive

Profile Photo
Jae Rossman
Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, 121 Wall Street, New Haven, CT