Government documents include the records of any official body, ranging from local to international levels. There exist vast amounts of documents from and related to Japan, although the majority of non-Japanese language sources tend to focus on post-1853 affairs. The records of the U.S. Department of State or the British Foreign Office, for instance, contain a large number of documents concerning trade, international treaties, expatriate concerns in Japan, diplomatic issues on the Asian continent, and so on.
Need help with your government information research? Talk to a librarian!
Everlyn Ma - Reference Librarian for Foreign and International Law and Lecturer in Legal Research
Haruko Nakamura - Librarian for Japanese Studies
United States. Congress (86th, 2nd). Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security between the United States of America and Japan. 86th Cong., 2d sess. Senate. Executive E. Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1960.
Most Japanese government documents are, unsurprisingly, in Japanese. In recent years, however, an increasing number of documents have been published in English, for both the national and local governments.
The Yale Law Library's Country by Country Guide to Foreign Law Research highlights resources related to law in Japan. If your research involves international law (legal relations between nations/states), consult YLL's resources for Foreign, International, and Transnational Law.
The University of Washington's East Asian Law Department also provides a number of useful links and suggestions for legal research on modern Japan.
To find the text of treaties, begin with the UN Treaty Collection.
The Foreign Relations of the United States series is an essential source for U.S. foreign affairs and diplomatic history. Produced by the State Department's Office of the Historian, FRUS is compiled from declassified documents including memos, cables, reports, and more. You can access FRUS:
Some of the microfilm collections below are also available through Yale's subscription databases; these titles are in bold.
Some of the microfilm collections below are also available through Yale's subscription databases; these titles are in bold.