"The Impact of Coeducation on Yale's Alumnae, 1973-1983": Senior essay by Julie M. Heller (class of 1988), as well as drafts and copies of research materials
"Boola Boola...Yale Goes Coed": Senior essay made as a film (VHS format) by Julie Y. Pimsleur (class of 1990)
"Women at Yale" and related material: Materials gathered by David Saurer (class of 1970) for an unfinished research project on the history of women at Yale
"The Pragmatic Path Towards Coeducation at Yale": Senior essay by Renee Wentzel (undated), with annotations by former Yale Dean of Admissions Arthur Howe, Jr.
"Y Women: Why Kingman Brewster Reluctantly Co-educated Yale College in 1969 and how the First Yale Women Fared": Senior essay by Jennifer E. Goldman (class of 2007)
"Arrival: Women at Yale College": Film made by Presca Ahn (class of 2010)
"Co-Education at Yale: Through the Eyes of a Pioneer": Digital essay by Jasper Feinberg (class of 2020), Marina Cisneros (class of 2020), Sterling Strother (class of 2020), and Maeve Howard (class of 2019)
"Engendering an Intellectual Space: The Development of Women's Studies at Yale University, 1969-2001": Senior essay by Kirsten E. Lodal (class of 2001)
"The Making of 'the Gay Ivy': A History of Lesbian and Gay Student Organizing at Yale, 1969-1987": Senior essay and research materials from Anna Wipfler (class of 2009)
"The Total Success of Women Athletes at Yale: Social Planning and Subculture Hypotheses": Senior essay by F. Benjamin McManus (class of 1978)
Anne Gardiner Perkins, "Yale Needs Women: How the First Group of Girls Rewrote the Rules of an Ivy League Giant (Sourcebooks, 2019)
Nancy Weiss Malkiel, "Keep the Damned Women Out": The Struggle for Coeducation (Princeton University Press, 2016)
Janet Lever and Pepper Schwartz, Women at Yale: Liberating a College Campus (Bobbs-Merrill, 1971)
Mabel Newcomer, A Century of Higher Education for American Women (Harper, 1959)
Dorrit Ann Cowan, "Single-sex to Coeducation at Princeton and Yale: Two Case Studies" (unpublished doctoral thesis, Teachers College, Columbia University, 1982)
Leslie Miller-Bernal and Susan L. Poulson, eds., Going Coed: Women's Experiences in Formerly Men's Colleges and Universities, 1950-2000 (Vanderbilt University Press, 2004)
Pamela Geismar, Eve Hart Rice, and Joan O'Meara Winant, eds. Fresh Women: Reflections on Coeducation and Life After Yale: 1969, 1989, 2009 (Yale Printing and Publishing, 2010)
George Howe Colt, The Game: Harvard, Yale, and America in 1968 (Scribner, 2018)
Helen Price, "588 Superwomen: The Introduction of Coeducation at Yale, 1969-1973," The Yale Historical Review (special issue), vol. VI, issue I: Fall 2016.
Yale School of Nursing students, including Gordon Sawatzky, the first male graduate of the school, in 1954 (Local record 3592)
History of Coeducation in Yale College LibGuide
Yale University Library Research Guide: Twentieth-Century America
Yale University Library Research Guide: Resources on Yale History
Yale Daily News Historical Archive
History of Women at Yale, from the 50 Years of Coeducation Steering Committee website
"The Admission of Women to Yale College" (report), Mary Arnstein, 1974
100 Years of Women at Yale School of Medicine
Historical Reports on the Status of Women and Minorities at Yale
Yale University Historic Documents & Reference Material
Women at Yale: A Statistical Profile, 1969-1979 (OIR Report)