An exhaustive bibliography compiled by Prof. Tim Barringer for his course Visual Cultures of British India.
India, Raj, and Empire
Includes original manuscript material, comprising diaries and journals, official and private papers, letters, sketches, paintings and original Indian documents containing histories and literary works from 1617 to 1947, Indian and Pakistani independence. The database is particularly strong in 18th and 19th century materials.Specific collections in the database are catalogued in Orbis:
--Papers on trade, shipping, the East India Company and military operations
--Letters and papers of the family of Allan Ramsay
--Journals and Diaries from high ranking soldiers and doctors alike
Empire Online
Broadly covers empire studies, including British India. Contains digitized primary materials by western and non-western peoples including portions of Thomas Daniell’s Oriental Scenery. Also includes thematic essays written by scholars, which are searchable by title. These essays include links to relevant digitized primary sources:
--Exhibitions and Empire by Dr Jeffrey Auerbach
-- The Imperial Canvas: Art and Empire by Dr. Romita Ray (former Yale grad student and YCBA Visiting Scholar, Spring 2010)
Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (ODNB)
A multi-volume set with biographical entries on significant, deceased individuals from or associated with Great Britain. The entries are often written by scholars and include great bibliographies. It's available in print at the YCBA Reference Library or online.
Historic newspaper and journal articles
18th Century Collections Online: Fully searchable texts published during the 18th century. With special emphasis on the fields of history, literature, religion, law, fine arts, and science.
British Periodicals Collection I: Contains full-text articles from over 500 journals spanning the late 17th to the early 20th centuries.
British Periodicals II : A continuation of I, adding over 100 journal titles and 18th century British Parliamentary papers.
Times Digital Archive: Full-text access to the Times of London from 1785-1985. Pages are scanned from the original text, preserving the original layout and design of the page.
17th and 18th Century Burney Collection of Newspapers: Full-text access to forty-eight 17th & 18th century British newspapers. See publication list here.
19th Century British Library Newspapers: Full text newspapers from the British Library's exhaustive collections, from national and regional newspapers to working class penny papers. Also include newspapers connected to political or social movements: Reform, Chartism, and Home Rule.
Nineteenth Century Index: This large, umbrella index searches established indexes (Nineteenth Century Short Title Catalogue, Poole's Index to Periodical Literature, The Wellesley Index, Index to British Periodicals, Palmer's Index to the Times, and over 50 others) to provide citations (and links to full-text in some cases) for books, articles, and official publications published 1790-1919.
These books are all available at the Yale Center for British Art Reference Library unless otherwise noted.
Partha Mitter, Much Maligned Monsters: a history of European reactions to Indian art, N7428 .M53 1992
Mildred Archer, India and British Portraiture, 1770-1825, London: Sotheby, Parke Bernet, 1979
Mildred Archer, India Observed: India as Viewed by British Artists, 1760-1860. London: Victoria & Albert Museum, 1989.
Tapati Guha-Thakurta, Monuments, objects, histories: institutions of art in colonial and postcolonial India (please note: e-book is only accessible from a Yale computer or using the VPN)
Tim Barringer, Geoff Quilley and Douglas Fordham, eds. Art and the British Empire. N6766 .A77 2007 (LC)
Beth Fowkes Tobin. Picturing imperial power: colonial subjects in eighteenth-century British painting. ND466 T59 1999 (LC)
Maria Antonella Pelizzari, ed. Traces of India: photography, architecture, and the politics of representation, 1850-1900. TR103 .T72 2003 (LC)+ Oversize
Saloni Mathur. India by design: colonial history and cultural display. N6767.5.V52 M38 2007 (LC)
Matthew H. Edney. Mapping an empire: the geographical construction of British India, 1765-1843. SML: GA1131 E36X 1997 (LC)
Rebecca M. Brown. Art for a modern India, 1947-1980. SML N7304 .B68X 2009 (LC)