Centre Georges Pompidou, L'Atelier Brancusi
Reinterpretation of Brancusi's studio, designed by Renzo Piano (website in French)
YCBA Photo Archive
Over 200,000 black and white photographs of British art worldwide, with a focus on collections in the United States, UK, Canada, and Australia. Shelved on the Reference Library Mezzanine and organized alphabetically by artist's last name. A database for the Archive is available, ask at the reference desk for help.
Primary sources at Yale provides access to and information about the many primary source collections available at Yale including the collections at the Beinecke Library, the University Art Gallery, Manuscripts and Archives, and the Haas Arts Library.
The resources included on this page are intended to supplement weekly readings and help with research for final papers.
Artist Monographs, Exhibition Catalogues & Catalogues Raisonne
Marcel Duchamp: Étant donnés / Michael R. Taylor; with contributions by Andrew S. Lins et al. Haas Arts Library: N6853.D8 A65X 2009 (LC) Oversize SML Manuscripts and Archives: Yns72 2009 T39 Oversize https://orbis.library.yale.edu/vwebv/vwebv/holdingsInfo?bibId=8943431 Major publication dedicated to Duchamp’s final work Etant Donnes, from which he derived his three erotic objects: Female Fig Leaf; Objet-Dard; Wedge of Chastity. Étant donnés : manual of instructions / Marcel Duchamp Haas Arts Library: NJ18.D85 A12 2009 (LC) Oversize SML Manuscripts and Archives: Yns72 2009 M373 Oversize https://orbis.library.yale.edu/vwebv/vwebv/holdingsInfo?bibId=8943497 "This publication is an expanded edition of the 1987 facsimile of Marcel Duchamp's 'Manual of instructions for Étant donnés ... ', intended as an illustrated guide for dismantling the work at his New York studio and reassembling it at the Philadelphia Museum of Art" |
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Alfred Gilbert's Aestheticism: Gilbert Amongst Whistler, Wilde, Leighton, Pater and Burne-Jones / Jason Edwards YCBA Reference Library: NJ18.G3685 E37 2006 (LC) http://hdl.handle.net/10079/bibid/7647050 |
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Sculpture Manuals, Dictionaries & Encyclopedias
Pierre-Jean Mariette, Description des travaux, qui ont précédé, accompagné et suivi la font en bronze d un seul jet de la statue équestre de Louis XV, le Bien-Aimé, Paris Impr. de P. G. Le Mercier, 1768
(Refers to casting of Edme Bouchardon statue of Louis XV. Original volume available upon request, YCBA Rare Books and Manuscripts, Folio BD19)
Modelling: a guide for teachers and students / by Ed. Lanteri ; With preface by Onslow Ford
YCBA Reference Library: NB1180 .L35 1902 (LC)
Modelling & sculpture in the making / Sargeant Jagger
YCBA Reference Library: NB1170 J33 1933 (LC)
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Magazine YCBA Reference Library: AP4 .S75 (LC) http://hdl.handle.net/10079/bibid/9118576 SML: A88 St6 http://hdl.handle.net/10079/bibid/3734693 Strand Magazine includes the “Artists at Home” series viewed during the Feb. 1 session. |
Avalanche |
Magazine of Art: Critical publication for 19th century art exhibitions. The Reference Library has 1878-1904 (N1 M34 Oversize) http://hdl.handle.net/10079/bibid/3412232 The Studio: Illustrated Magazine of the Fine and Applied Arts The Reference Library holds issues from 1893-1932 (N1 S9 Oversize) http://hdl.handle.net/10079/bibid/474128 |
Digitized primary sources: To find individual articles online in 18th and 19th century publications, search British Periodicals I & II and the Nineteenth Century Index (C19), both available through Yale.
Nineteenth Century Index This umbrella index searches established indexes (Nineteenth Century Short Title Catalogue, Poole's Index to Periodical Literature, The Wellesley Index, Index to British Periodicals, Palmer's Index to the Times, and over 50 others) to provide citations (and links to full-text in some cases) for books, articles, and official publications published 1790-1919. British Periodicals Collection: Contains full-text articles from over 500 journals spanning the late 17th to the early 20th centuries. Designinform Research Guide No.2: Provides full-text access to digitized historical journals in art, architecture, design, and craft, and includes early editions of: The Magazine of Art 1881-1889, Studio (UK) 1896-1922, Journal of Design and Manufacturers 1849-1852, Illustrated Magazine of Art 1854. This research guide provides links to the digital version in the Internet Archive. 19th Century British Library Newspapers: Full text newspapers from the British Library's exhaustive collections, from national and regional newspapers to working class penny papers. Also include newspapers connected to political or social movements: Reform, Chartism, and Home Rule. |