A summary of Yale University Library's South Asia Collection, which includes material from and about Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, the Himalayan region, India, the Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka.
A collection of links to various online Sanskrit (including Monier-Williams), Tamil, and Tibetan dictionaries and thesauri, collected by the Indology mailing list.
Materials for Indology and Buddhology - a platform to capture, store, index, preserve, and distribute materials pertinent to Indology and Buddhology. Includes journal tables of contents, lexica and word lists, and digital classical texts (some with TEI encoding).
A continually growing collection of digitized versions of Jain reference material, seminar proceedings, books, magazines, manuscripts, articles, and audio recordings in Prakrit, Sanskrit, Hindi, and Gujarati.
Soka University's International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology has made the entire run of Bibiliotheca Philologica et Philosophica Buddhica available for free online in PDF.
Includes transcribed editions of many texts in Sanskrit (including Vedas, epics, puranas, sastras, and poetry); Pali (including multiple editions of the Tipitaka); Prakrit; and Tamil.