Feminism and Christian Tradition by Mary-Paula WalshAnnotated bibliography, 1960s – 1990s, on feminism and Christian tradition. Historical essays overview of feminism in relation to the women's movement, women's studies, sociology and American religion.
Mark, Women and Empire: A Korean Postcolonial Perspective by Seong Hee KimLooks at the stories of the poor widow (12.41-44), the anointing woman (14.1-11), the women at the cross and the burial (15.40-41, 47), and the women at the empty tomb (16.1-8) in Mark from a feminist and postcolonial perspective.
The Politics of Heaven by Joseph A. MarchalChallenges Pauline studies to engage the full range of critical challenges brought by feminist studies, postcolonial studies, and Roman imperial studies. A feminist, postcolonial analysis. Philippians as a test case.
Taking up the Cross: New Testament Interpretations through Latina and Feminist Eyes by Barbara E. ReidGives attention to the role of women in the accounts of Jesus' passion and observes that some of the interpretations of Jesus' death in the New Testament open us up to life and liberation, while others have been used to perpetuate cycles of violence and victimization. The result is an illuminating combination of New Testament exegesis with a liberative constructive theology.