Connections: A Lectionary Commentary for Preaching and Worship by Joel B. Green et al.Interpretive tools that provide commentary and worship aids on the Revised Common Lectionary. Intertextual commentary entry for each day in the 3-year lectionary cycle. Connects Psalm readings to other lections. Finally, sidebars offer additional connections to Scripture for each Sunday or worship day. 9 volumes. Series includes separate "worship companions."
Preaching God's Transforming Justice: A Lectionary Commentary by Ronald J. Allen et al.Highlights the social justice implications of Biblical readings in the Revised Common Lectionary. Each year is a separate volume. Includes essays for 22 "Holy Days of Justice," including Martin Luther King Day, Earth Day, World AIDS Day, and Children's Sabbath.
Determining the Form: Structures for Preaching by O. Wesley AllenGives preaching students and clergy common sermonic forms and how to choose them for certain situations and audiences. Thinks in terms of "rhetorical strategies" and not inflexible formats. Simple sermonic tactics to build into a final pulpit product.
Don't Put Out the Burning Bush: Worship and Preaching in a Complex World by Vivian BolandExamines worship and preaching from a number of theological perspectives; Catholic, Baptist, Anglican, Uniting Church and Greek Orthodox. It draws on the tradition of each of these denominations to examine the diversity of the liturgical worship and preaching in each tradition as each church addresses the needs and concerns of a complex world of technology and diversity.
New Testament Exegesis: A Handbook For Students and Pastors by Gordon D. FeeA step-by-step "how to" guide. Introduces strategies for turning close readings of NT texts into sermons and other rhetorical formats. Though the author prioritizes exegesis of the Greek text, the lessons learned are widely applicable.
Preaching in an Age of Globalization by Eunjoo Mary KimDevelops the concept of "trans-contextual preaching" to show how preachers can respect diversity and global connections. Develops a new theology of preaching, examines the modes of biblical interpretation appropriate for trans-contextual preaching, and explores designs for sermons.
The Witness of Preaching by Thomas G. LongExamples of sermon forms, illustrations, and conclusions. Examples from classics and newcomers in homiletics. Treats technology like video clips, websites, and powerpoint. Chapter on biblical exegesis.
Preaching Oriented NT Commentaries
Fortress Biblical Preaching Commentaries by O. Wesley Allen et al.Combines traditional and lectionary commentaries in order to help congregational leaders develop exegetically informed cumulative preaching and educational experiences focused on but not limited to the lections.
The New Interpreter's Bible Commentary by David L. Petersen et al.For preachers and teachers of the Bible. Unites practical and homiletic concerns with exegetical scholarship (often with multiple layers of comments on the same passage). Single-volume and series formats.