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LibGuides 2 Implementation Group: 3/11/2015

Documentation, meeting minutes, and other information from the LibGuides 2 Implementation Group




  • LibGuides implementation group will send monthly updates to CRSC via the CRSC regular meeting
  • LibGuides implementation group will send bi-weekly updates to LibGuide authors via email
  • The styleguide should be modified to include information on not using jargon

To do


Google Analytics provides statistics that go beyond what LibGuides' own statistics can produce.  However, Google Analytics can be overwhelming.  The goal of the LibGuides dashboard is to provide the richer Google Analytics statistics in an easy to use manner.  It's current state is a conversation starter to solicit feedback on what is useful for LibGuide authors.  The dashboard should be used to gauge the effectiveness of LibGuide campaigns, such as demonstrating a LibGuide during a workshop and giving out its URL.

Question:  Google is currently used for the LibGuides internal search engine.  Does that mean that Google is the referrer for internal searches?  Answer:  No, it's logged as an self-reference.  Bounce rate can be misleading:  If a user views a LibGuide and finds a resource and clicks on it, they are considered a "bounce" even though they're really a "success" (the user found a research resource).  Use the Link Events to get a better idea of what people are doing on your guides.

To get the most use out of Google Analytics, we have to have a goal in mind of what we'd like to know or capture.  Once we have a measurable goal in mind, Google Analytics can be configured to fulfill that goal.

It might be useful to have a student read through our LibGuides and let us know if we're using jargon.