Put out reminders for reviewing LibGuides early next week.
Next agenda will be about templates and pre-fab boxes. Folks should review meeting minutes from February as well as http://guides.library.yale.edu/content/boxes and http://guides.library.yale.edu/guidelines to prepare for meeting.
The group should put together a list of open questions and concerns to send to LEC once the group disbands in July.
LibGuide review process
ICRS hasn't started yet. No reminders have been sent.
Music has found it useful to export to HTML. Removing boxes hasn't been a problem.
Should we remind folks that they can export guides they don't want to migrate? Maybe let people know in the reminder.
Training outline
Editing profile should be moved to the beginning of training
Let people know that they can't add subjects to themselves ... they have to be added to subjects by an admin
Need to fix the feed used for Library News: The current one stopped sending updates in February.
Open questions:
What are the pedagogical goals for creating LibGuides?
Should LibGuide authors record the time they spend on LibGuides in LibAnalytics as Outreach and/or Instruction?
When does someone create a LibGuide vs a web page?