Each Month:
- Check & correct/delete broken links caught in the link checker.
Before each semester begins (July/August and December/January):
- Check and delete unused assets (those with zero hits) that are not needed.
- Check pages of active guides to make sure that ALL links and embedded content still function. This includes: RSS/Twitter Feeds, streaming media, widgets, and links that are in Rich Text Boxes (these are not automatically checked via the Link Checker tool.)
- For course guides: contact the faculty member to see if your guide still supports their course assignments and curriculum; ask for suggested updates; this is a good chance to request an updated syllabus.
- Check course schedule: if a course isn’t currently being offered, change the course guide to private or unpublished.
- Update screenshots and images: has a database interface changed? Is the logo current? Are you using images that comply with copyright?
- Check and update any instructions and tutorials: are the steps, screenshots, or video clips still current?
- Review usage statistics: how many visits (hits) did your guide(s) get over the prior semester? For course guides, consider sharing that information with the instructor!
Yearly – Summer Break
- Refresh content on all guides.
- Review usage statistics again to decide which guides should be deleted, combined or made private. Can the content in low use guides be reimagined as a box or added to another guide? Export the content to HTML before you delete so you still have access to the content just in case.
- Look at your list of assets to see if you can combine or delete any.
- Look at your guide on multiple device types (computer, tablet, smartphone) to make sure it functions well and important content is still on top.
- Consider new programs, initiatives, faculty, courses, etc. Do you need to create any new guides to provide library support?