The content is what makes your LibGuide unique, not its appearance. Keeping LibGuides looking consistent makes it much easier for users that access more than one LibGuide.
Rather than replicating content, link to general content such as the general Citation Management Guide. This not only puts out a consistent message, it also creates a single point to update content rather than having multiple copies that need to be manually updated.
Try not to use more than one row of tabs for your guide. If your guide has more than one row of tabs, consider either removing extraneous content or splitting the information up over multiple guides.
When you create a guide, use the Short Description field to give a brief description of the guide. This information appears in several places in the LibGuide editing interface and in Google search results.
When creating a course guide, put the professor(s) name(s) in the Short Description field.
For more information, best practices, and tutorials on getting started with LibGuides, see SpringShare’s LibGuides support center: