The landing page or home page should include the following required elements:
- A profile box with contact information
- Title, Photo, Name, Phone, Email
- A Welcome box
- Provide readers with an overview of the content in this guide so they know what to expect to find
- 1-5 actions a patron can take when they visit a guide
- Guide purpose filed is always filled in:

The landing page or home page can include the following optional elements:
- Selected links/ Top Resources
- Links to subject database, links to search interfaces, and other resources
(digital or physical)
- Limit to 5 links
- Media
- Image, video, or other media content.
- Fifth box for flexible content
- Suggested content:
- Related guides
- Information about your physical location
- Links to related topics, tools, or services
- LibCal calendar with classes
- A social media feed
- An RSS feed (limit to 5 items in feed at a time)
Other recommendations:
- Search boxes or widgets for any system should be moved off the guide’s home page
- Always test guide in mobile view