This guide provides quick references to both print and online resources for East Asian studies in western languages.
Japanese Studies Primary Sources in Western Languages
The guide aims to provide an overview of English-language primary source materials in Yale's collections related to the study of Japan.
Sources of Japanese tradition Introduction to Asian civilizations
v. 1. From earliest times through 1600 -- v. 2. 1600-2000.
Online book is avaliable for vol. 1.
This two-volume work is a comprehensive collection of translated excerpts from source materials dating back to the earliest Chinese records of Japan. It can be useful as a bibliographic guide to find full text editions of some sources.
While dated, Henry Smith's homepage contains a large number of bibliographies and other useful references, based on courses at Columbia.
Please visit A research guide for print and online resources related to East Asian studies at the Yale University Library as the first step in your research process.
This guide provides quick references to both print and online resources for East Asian studies in western languages, including primary sources, reference sources, web resources, as well as research tools to find books, newspaper and journal articles, theses, image resources, etc.