There are many bibliographies devoted to each specific discipline. (For example, the Keizaishi Bunken Kaidai 経済史文献解題 and Masukomi bunken jiten マスコミ文献大事典). To find specialized bibliographies in Orbis, go to the Orbis advance search to enter specific keywords and the term "bibliography" as the Subject Heading.
For example, conduct keyword searches entering words such as “Atomic bomb" and "bibliography." You will find 10 entries, which can be further limited to those only in English language. You can also use words such as “文献” (bibliographies) and “解題” (annotations) with keywords to find some bibliographies.
Once you
find a document or resource that you are interested in, be sure to check which
other subject headings it falls under -- many resources are catalogued under
several sets of subject headings. Thus, you can build up a set of useful search
terms to find other related resources.
Nihon kotenseki sogo mokuroku 日本古典籍総合目録 is the union catalog for pre-Meiji period sources held in Japanese libraries. This database is an online version of the Kokusho somokuroku and the Kotenseki sogo mokuroku. It provides bibliographic information on pre-modern publications such as alternative readings of titles, number of volumes, date of creation, and genre. The database also provides reading of the titles as well as individual author entries that list works and alternative names.
Kokusho yomikata jiten 国書読み方事典 is also a helpful guide to reading the titles of classical works. Call# Z3301 K8 Suppl. Oversize, East Asia Library Reference.