Japan Weekly Mail (1870 -1917)"A weekly review of Japanese commerce, politics, literature, and art. A fortnightly summary of intelligence from Japan, for transmission to Europe and the United States, via Suez and San Francisco." Now some of content is available through Hathi Trust Database (http://catalog.hathitrust.org/).
Japan Advertiser (1913-1940)Published during a period encompassing the Taisho Period and the early Showa Era, The Japan Advertiser depicts the Japan of almost a century ago from the perspective of foreign journalists. The content includes news articles as well as stories aimed at foreigners living in Japan that introduced Japanese culture and advertising that reflects the social and economic climate of those times.
Japan Chronicle Weekly (1902-1940)“The newspaper of record for Japan’s engagement with modernity and its emergence, through war, political and social upheaval and seismic social change in East Asia, onto the world stage in the first half of the twentieth century.” - from the database site.
Japan Illustrated (1963 to 1977)Year Book of Japan with Official Information and Statistical Data on All Phases of the Empire combined with Special Articles and a Complete Guide Book. Edited by Nippon Dempo News Agency (日本電報通信社) Quarterly pictorial magazine published from 1963 to 1977, 56 issues in total. Content: “Postwar photo journal responds to the foreign gaze” Photographic introduction on Japanese culture, fine arts and crafts, performing art, architecture, cultural heritage, nature, industry, major events and more. Focusing on people who are active in various fields.
There are many guides for finding newspapers on a specific location, period, topic and ethnic group, etc. Search "newspaper" in the search box of Yale Library Research Guides and limit by adding other keywords or selecting tags, subjects, etc.
FactivaFactiva contains nearly 8,000 sources from 118 countries and 22 languages, and 120 continuously updated newswires. You will see current issues of Japan related newspapers such as:
Japan Times
Nikkei Weekly
Daily Yomiuri
Asahi Shimbun AJW
OrbisYale library owns many reprints or microfilm version of historical newspapers.
Full Text Databases for Japanese Newspapers
Yomidasu (Yomiuri Shinbun 読売新聞) 1874-New version of Yomiuri Shinbun database which lets you search all Yomiuri articles from 1874 to the present and advertisement in the Meiji, Taisho and early Showa. It includes the English Daily Yomiuri from 1989. (The Daily Yomiuri is also in the online journals section).
Asahi Shinbun Cross Search 朝日新聞クロスサーチFull-text database of Asahi newspapers from 1887 to the present, including local issues (1998 - ), full-text articles of AERA (1988.5 - present), Shukan Asahi (2004- present), 戦前の外地版 and the newest edition of Chiezo.
Mainichi newspaper articles are stored as follows
Year 1872 to 1986 : Only image data - via PDF
Year 1987 to 1999 : Image data and Text
Year 2000 to Current : Only Text
Nikkei Telecom 21 (日本経済新聞)One of Japan's largest business databases, it delivers the latest news and gives access to Nikkei's extensive news archive, business information, and corporate profiles (Five main sections: News; Real-time Nikkei news wire service in Japanese and English; Market & Economic Indicators; Stock Indexes, exchange rates, bond pricing etc.; and Full Text Articles).
FactivaContains nearly 8,000 sources from 118 countries and 22 languages, and 120 continuously updated newswires. For Japan specific, there are many newspaper in national like 朝日新聞 & 読売新聞, regional such as 福井新聞 & 沖縄タイムス and English language newspaper like Japan Times.
Taiwan Nichi Nichi Shinpō 臺灣日日新報Taiwan Nichi Nichi Shinpō is a newspaper published beginning in 1898, a result of the merger of Taiwan Shinpō and Taiwan Nippō. It consists of both a Japanese (1898.5-1944.3) and a Chinese language version (1905.7-1911.11), and covers legislation and news as well as cultural activities in Taiwan under Japanese occupation.
Newspaper Clippings Collection (Kobe University Library)The "Newspaper Article Collection," also known as the "Newspaper Clipping Collection," is a collection of newspaper clippings from the end of the Meiji period to 1970, created by the Kobe University Research Institute of Economics and Business Administration. The number of clippings accumulated over more than 60 years of operation is approximately 3,200 volumes, and the number of articles is enormous, amounting to approximately 500,000 items. The digital version of the Newspaper Clippings Archive was opened to the public on June 30, 2000, as the main collection of the attached library's electronic library system, which started service in 1999. Of all the articles in the collection, an estimated 380,000 articles dating back to 1945, which are particularly rare, are being digitized sequentially, and the full text is being made available to the public after the copyright process is completed.
Library PressDisplaySeveral current Japanese newspapers both in English and Japanese. Click to select "Japan" under Titles by Country.
International Herald Tribune
Mainichi RT
Mainichi Shimbun Digital
The Wall Street Journal Asia
"The world's largest online, free-access full-image collection of newspapers published by overseas Japanese and their descendants... The collection contains about fifteen newspapers published in Hawaii and North America with a total of nearly 500,000 pages. Most publications contain a mix of Japanese and English."
The paper began in 1903 supporting the small but growing Japanese community in the Little Tokyo area of Las Angeles, California. It was the most widely circulated paper in the region by the 1940’s and included a weekly English section. The paper was forced to cease publication and its publisher was imprisoned by the government during World War II. The archive contains all obtainable published issues from 1914 through 2018.
One of the Library of Congress's Story Maps series "by Megan Bauerle, 2022 Junior Fellow in the Connecting Communities Digital Initiative. This Story Map follows experiences of higher education for Japanese American students under WWII Incarceration. The Story Map focuses on articles from the Japanese American Internment Camp Newspaper collection to look at different individuals from the incarceration centers across the United States. This downloadable CSV file provides the mapped data in this Story Map."
One of the darker chapters in American history and one of the lesser discussed events of World War II was the forced internment, during the war, of an important segment of the American population -- persons of Japanese descent. This collection, consisting of 25 individual titles, documents life in the internment camps.
Compiled newspaper columns by period, year and event