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Yale History Timeline: 1720 - 1729

July 8, 1721 - September 1727


Jul 8 1721 Governor Yale died intestate.
Oct 1721 "What shall be gained by the impost on rum for two years next coming shall be applied to the building of a rector's house for Yale College."  From an Act of the Connecticut General Assembly.
May 28 1722 Rev. Joseph Morgan (M.A. Hon. 1719) wrote to Rev. Cotton Mather: "I hear some in Conecticut complain yt. Arminian Books are cryed up in Yale Colledge for Eloquence & Learning, & Calvinists despised for ye contrary...."
1722 Residence completed for the Rector on the southwest corner of College and Chapel streets.  Occupied by Rector Williams, Presidents Clap, Stiles, and Dwight.  Property sold in 1801.
Oct 1722 A "Common Seal" granted to the Trustees by the General Assembly.
Oct 17 1722 "The Trustees in faithfulness to the Trust reposed in them do excuse Mr Cutler a further Service as Rector in Yale College."
Sep 1723 Honorary degree of Doctor of Medicine first conferred in America at Yale.
Oct 10 1723 "AN ACT IN EXPLANATION OF AND ADDITION TO THE ACT FOR ERECTING A COLLEGIATE SCHOOL IN THIS COLONY," passed by the General Assembly.  This legislation, constituting the Rector ex officio a Trustee, was not approved by the Trustees until September 11, 1728; the first meeting attended by the Rector was that of September 10, 1729.
1724 Catalogue of graduates printed at New London.
May 31 1726 Trustees created office of Scholar of the House and appointed a Senior student; "his Work to observe & note down all Detriment the College receives in its Windows Doors Studies Tables Locks & Salary to be three pounds & to give an account Quarterly."
Sep 13 1726 Rev. Elisha Williams inducted into Rectorship after giving "Satisfaction of the Soundness of his Faith in Opposition to Armenian and prelatical Corruptions...."
Sep 1727 The Trustees voted "that for ye future every Candidate for any Degree in this Colledge pay in to ye Rector before he has his Degree given him 40 Shillings, twenty Shillings for his Degree & the other twenty Shillings for the Comencement Dinner for which latter the Rector to be accountable to the Trustees."


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