Apr 1761 | Foundation laid for a Chapel on site of present Vanderbilt Hall. |
May 12 1762 | Disorders within the College during several years led to presentation of a Memorial to the General Assembly by some of its members asking for a Committee of Visitation. This was answered ably by President Thomas Clap and "no further attempt was made to subject the management of the College to the Assembly." |
1763 | "The study of Algebra was first introduced by the tutors, and made a part of the collegiate exercises." |
Apr 14 1764 |
Eighty-two of the ninety-two students boarding in the College Hall taken violently ill. President Thomas Clap assigned as the cause "either some accident or some strong Physic put into the Victuals with a Design to bring a Slur upon the Provisions made in the Hall...." |
Nov 28 1764 |
Roswell Grant (B.A. 1765) wrote to his father: "Should be very glad of a Cheese if it c'd be conveniently sent me, as our Commons are poor." |
Sep 20 1765 | General Thomas Gage, writing to Sir William Johnson, referred to a group of Yale graduates as "the pretended patriots, educated in a seminary of democracy." |
Apr 22 1766 | The Corporation deliberated on insubordination of students and decided that disorders had "arisen very much from the Spirit of the Times and the Influence of others." |
Sep 10 1766 | Resignation of President Thomas Clap. |
Dec 17 1767 | David Avery (B.A. 1769) wrote to Eleazar Wheelock (B.A. 1733): "It is not he that has got the finest coat or largest ruffles that is esteemed here at present. And as the class hence forward are to be placed alphabetically, the students may expect marks of distinction put upon the best scholars and speakers." |
1768 | The literary and debating society of Brothers in Unity founded. |
1769 | The Senior Class agreed to appear at Commencement "wholly dressed in the manufactures of our own Country." |