Jan 1950 | First graduate program of research and instruction in the conservation of natural resources established in cooperation with the Conservation Foundation. |
Feb 22 1950 | Dedication of tablets in Memorial Hall erected by the University in memory of the Yale men who lost their lives in the service of their country in the Second World War. |
Oct 6 1950 | Inauguration of President Alfred Whitney Griswold. |
Oct 19 1951 | Principal celebration of the 250th anniversary of the University. |
1951 | Master of Arts in Teaching program organized in the Graduate School. |
1951 | Alumni Fund reached new total: $1,010,324.00 from 24,658 contributors. |
1951 |
Total endowment of the University, $141,208,881. |
1951 |
Number of volumes in the several libraries of the University, over 4,000,000. |
1952 | Some Yale books published in the anniversary year: Yale College, An Educational History, 1871-1921, by George W. Pierson; The 250th Anniversary of Yale University: Speeches and Documents of the Year of Celebration, 1951-1952; Yale Men Who Died in the Second World War, by Eugene Kone; The Yale Scene, by Samuel Chamberlain and Robert Dudley French. |
1952 | John Hay Fellows program instituted. |
Feb 9 1952 | Committee appointed by President Griswold to survey "the intellectual and spiritual welfare of the University, its students, and its faculty presents report." |
Jan 28 1953 | Publication of Seventy-Five: A Study of a Generation in Transition, by the Yale Daily News on its 75th anniversary. |
1953 | University Art Gallery designed by architet Louis Kahn opens. |
1953 | Report of the President's Committee on General Education. |
1953 | Yale leads fifth Humboldt Current expedition for collecting oceanographic species. |
Jan 1954 | Agreement by the American PhiIosophical Society and Yale to publish the papers of Benjamin Franklin, MA Hon 1753. |
Feb 22 1954 | Rededication of Connecticut Hall (1750/53- ) following complete renovation. |
Jun 13 1954 | One hundredth anniversary of the graduation from Yale of Yung Wing, the first Chinese to receive a Westem degree. |
1954-1955 | Centennial of music education at Yale. |
Sep 28 1954 | Honorary degrees awarded to five world religious leaders in a special convocation at the opening of the 133rd year of the Divinity School. |
Jul 1 1955 | The Cowles Foundation for Research in Economics at Yale University established in association with the Department of Economics. |
1955 | Publication of Yale: The University College, 1921-1937, by George Wilson Pierson. |
Oct 28 1955 | Dedication of the Josiah Willard Gibbs Research Laboratories, first science building constructed at Yale since 1922. |
May 8 - Jun 18 1956 | "Pictures Collected by Yale Alumni." Two hundred and fifty pictures covering 500 years of American and European painting loaned by 102 alumni, and viewed by 28,670 persons. |
Nov 1956 | Yale crew wins in Olympics for the United States. |
May 7 - Jun 10 1957 | Exhibition of Prints and Drawings from the Yale collections, dedicated to the memory of Carl A. Lohmann. |
Jun 11-14 1957 | Yale Alumni Seminar instituted. |
Oct 19 1957 | Yale Development Committee formed. |
1958 | William Sloane Coffin, Jr. named chaplain. |
1958 | Carnegie Teaching Fellowships, established by a grant from the Carnegie Foundation, for award to seniors in Yale College, chosen for outstanding character, personality, and intellectual competence, who will serve on the facutly for the year following graduation. |
1958 | Summer Intern Program in Government established. |
1959 | Martin Luther King Jr. speaks at Yale at the invitation of the Undergraduate Lecture Committee. |
Feb 21 1959 | Dedication of the Memorial Tablets to the Yale Men who lost their lives in Korea, 1950-53. |
Feb 21 1959 | Dedication hockey game in the David S. Ingalls Rink. |