Feb 20 1960 | Alumni Day Program in honor of Yale authors. |
1960 | School of Medicine celebrates 150th anniversary: 1810-1960. |
1960 | President Griswold announces "Program for the Arts and Sciences." |
1960 | The former Alpha Delta Phi tomb at 15 Hillhouse Avenue converted for the Collection of Musical Instruments. |
Oct 23 1961 | Report of Committee for the Student of Engineering Education at Yale. |
1961 | The Concilium on International Studies organized to coordinate the work in International Relations, African, East Asian, Latin American, Russian and East European, and Southeast Asia Studies. |
1961-1962 | Professor Stanley Milgram conducted experiments on obedience to authority. |
Apr 13 1962 | The Report of the President's Committee on the Freshman Year. |
Jun 11 1962 | The honorary degree of Doctor of Laws conferred upon President John F. Kennedy. |
Dec 7 1962 | Dedication of new residential colleges, Ezra Stiles and Morse. |
1962 | Secondary School Teachers Awards established. |
1962 | Yale-Columbia Southern Observatory, Inc., organized in cooperation with the University of Cuyo, Argentina. |
Oct 11 1963 | Dedication of The Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library. |
Nov 9 1963 | Dedication of the School of Art and Architecture Building. |
Feb 20 1964 | Yale and the State of Connecticut collaborate in establishing the Connecticut Mental Health Center in New Haven. |
Apr 11 1964 | Inauguration of Kingman Brewster, Jr, as the seventeenth president of the University. |
Jun 15 1964 |
Martin Luther King Jr. bailed out of jail to receive an honorary degree at Yale. |
Sep 1 1964 | Office of Administrative Data Systems established. |
Feb 1965 | Graduate School Association organized. |
1965 | Yale Symphony Orchestra established. |
1965 | Paul Mellon (B.A. 1929) anonymously purchased the Vinland Map, purportedly the oldest known map of the Western hemisphere, and gave it to Yale. |
Summer 1965 | Yale Glee Club's first Round-the-World summer tour. |
Oct 1965 | Release of the report of the "Ad Hoc Committee on Policies and Procedures on Tenure Appointments." |
Dec 4 1965 | Opening of the Robert A. Taft Library of Jonathan Edwards College. |
Oct 28 1965 | Peabody Museum of Natural History celebrated its centennial. |
Oct 28 1965 | Dedication of the Kline Biology Tower, the last of three buildings comprising Kline Science Center and named in honor of benefactor C. Mahlon Kline (Ph.D. 1901). |
1966 | The 250th anniversary of the removal of the Collegiate School to New Haven. |
Spring 1966 | First group of sophomores to participate in the Five-Year B.A. program selected. |
Oct 5 1966 | Dedication of the Arthur Williams Wright (B.A. 1859, Ph.D. 1861) Nuclear Structure Laboratory. |
Dec 1966 | Announcement of joint study to explore possibilities of Yale and Vassar College cooperation. |
1967 | North Sheffield Hall (1872/73) and Winchester Hall (1892) removed to provide site or new laboratory. |
Dec 8 1967 | Announcement of gift of the Paul Mellon Center for British Art and British Studies. |
Dec 14 1967 | Special advisory committee appointed to aid in planning coeducation at Yale. |
Feb 17 1968 | Fifty-fifth Alumni Day; cornerstone laying for the Becton Engineering and Applied Science Center. |
Jul 6 1968 | President Brewsier presides at commemoration in Wrexham, Wales, of the 250th anniversary of the naming of Yale College for its first benefactor, the Honorable Elihu Yale. |
1968 | Total endowment of the University, $482,896,526. Number of volumes in the several libraries of the University, over 5,300,000. |
1968 | Alumni Fund achieves new record: $4,361,942.00 from 37,616 contributors. |
Nov 9 1968 | Corporation approves coeducation for Yale College beginning with class entering in September 1969. |