1810 | George Gibbs of Newport offered to deposit at Yale his extensive cabinet of minerals. |
Oct 1810 | Charter granted for The Medical Institution of Yale College, to be conducted under joint auspices of the College and the Connecticut State Medical Society. |
1812 | Yale Musical Society founded. |
1813 | The first annual catalogue in pamphlet form (octavo) printed; it contained lists of the officers and students. |
Aug 31 1813 | The Medical Institution organized by the appointment of four professors in addition to Professor Silliman--Eneas Munson, Nathan Smith, Eli Ives, and Jonathan Knight. |
Sep 13 1814 | Degree of Doctor of Medicine in course first conferred. |
Jul 23 1817 | Jeremiah Day, Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy, inaugurated President after ordination to the ministry. |
Jul 1818 | Publication of Volume I, Number 1, The American Journal of Science, more especially of Mineralogy, Geology, and the Other Branches of Natural History; including also Agriculture and the Ornamental As Well as Useful Arts. Conducted by Benjamin Silliman. "In the following plan of this Work we trust it will be understood, that the Editor does not pledge himself that all subjects mentioned shall be touched upon in every number." |
Oct 12 1818 | Article 8 of the Constitution of Connecticut, which became effective on this date, confirmed the charter of Yale College. |
May 12 1819 | Further Act passed by the General Assembly substituted for the former senior assistants the six senior senators as members of the Yale Corporation. |
Jul 8 1819 | Calliopean Literary Society organized. |