Apr 17 1750 | Foundation of the new College laid. |
1750 | Construction of Connecticut Hall on Old Campus, the oldest standing building in New Haven. |
Jul 1751 | Custom introduced of the presentation to the President of the Senior Class as candidates for degrees, by Senior Tutor in an appropriate Latin speech. |
Oct 1751 | Additional funds voted by the General Assembly to complete the new building. |
1752 | Exterior of new College completed. |
Sep 30 1752 | The Corporation ordered that the new College be named Connecticut Hall in recognition of the generosity of the Colony government. |
1753 | New College partially occupied. |
Sep 12 1753 | Reputed date of founding of Linonia, literary and debating society. |
Nov 21 1753 | The president directed to hold regular Sunday services in the College Hall. These were inaugurated on November 25. |
Feb 1754 | Reception in honor of Benjamin Franklin (M.A. Hon. 1753). |
Nov 30 1754 | The Rev. Naphtali Daggett, professor-elect, took charge of the College pulpit. |
Jun 30 1757 | The College Church formed. Present corporate title, "The Church of Christ in Yale University." |
Jul 19 1758 | "Whereas the present calamitous and distressing War loudly calls us to Repentance and Reformation, and to the practice of Industry and Frugality.... It is therefore ordered that the next Commencement shall be private...." |