Oct 23-27 1740 | Rev. George Whitefield visited New Haven. "I spoke very closely to the Students, and shewed the dreadful Ill-Consequences of an unconverted Ministry...." |
1743 | The Colony grant increased and a third tutor engaged. A classified catalogue of the Library published. |
Sep 12 1744 | " ... after the End of this vacancy no person Shall be admitted a freshman into this College who is more than twenty one years old, unless by Special allowance of the Trustees or their Committee." |
Feb 25 1745 | The Declaration of the Rector and Tutors of Yale College against the Rev. Mr. George Whitefield, his Principles and Designs, in a Letter to him. |
May 9 1745 | "An ACT for the more full and compleat Establishment of of YALE COLLEGE in New-Haven and for enlarging the Powers and Previleges thereof," passed by the General Court. By this Charter the Trustees became a corporation called The President and Fellows of Yale College. |
Jun 1 1745 | President Clap took oaths imposed by new charter which became effective on this date. |
Sep 15 1745 | Revised Laws of the College approved. |
Apr 16 1746 | The first professorship (Divinity) established with funds given in 1745 by Colonel Philip Livingston "as a small achowledgement of the sence I have for the favour and Education of my sons have had there." |
May 1747 | The General Assembly authorized a lottery, 15 per cent to be deducted out of each prize for the building of a new College. |
Oct 1749 | In response to an appeal from the President and Fellows for further aid toward the new College, the General Assembly voted the proceeds of the sale of a French vessel taken by the Colony frigate. |