1920 | President Arthur Twining Hadley appointed chemist John Johnson as the first Sterling Professor. |
May 8 1920 | Ownership of the Yale University Press transferred to Yale University. |
Sep 30 1920 | The Memorial Quadrangle first occupied. The gift of Mrs. Stephen V. Harkness for a memorial to her son, Charles W. Harkness (B.A. 1883). |
1920 | Beginning of the administration of the Freshman Year under a separate dean and faculty. |
Oct 9 1920 | The Corporation accepted terms of an agreement providing for affiliation of the Bernice P. Bishop Museum of Honolulu with Yale University. |
Nov 21 1920 | Dedication of the Memorial Tablets erected by the University to the men of Yale who gave their lives in the of their country during the World War. |
1920 | Completion of Yale-New Haven landmark Harkness Tower, at the time the tallest freestanding tower in the U.S. |
Jun 21 1921 | Inauguration of President James Rowland Angell. |
1921 | At the close of President Hadley's administration the University endowment exceeded $30,000,000, as contrasted with $5,605,736.82 on June 30, 1901. |
Jun 21 1922 | First award of the degree of Bachelor of Science to the graduating class of the Sheffield Scientific School. |
Nov 5 1922 | Convocation to honor Marshal Foch. |
1923 | School of Nursing established on the fiftieth anniversary of Connecticut Training School for Nurses, the institution which it succeeded. |
Dec 13 1924 | Acceptance of gift from Edward S. Harkness (B.A. 1897), for the establishment of a Department of Drama in the School of the Fine Arts. |
Apr 18 1925 | Agreement with the University of the Witwatersand, South Africa, provided for erection of a Yale observatory on its grounds. |
Jun 14 1926 | Convocation to honor H. R. H. Gustavus Adolphus. |
Sep 30 1926 | Compulsory attendance at daily and Sunday chapel services abolished. |
1926 | Founding of the Associates in Fine Arts at Yale University. |
Dec 11 1926 | Acceptance of gift from Charles H. Ludington (B.A. 1887) for the establishment of the Department of Personnel Study. |
Spring 1928 | Excavations at Dura-Europos started. Conducted by Yale and the French Academy of Inscriptions and Letters. |
Dec 8 1928 | The Corporation voted "to approve the principle of a residential subdivision of the undergraduate schools... designed to foster a spirit of social intimacy and companionship." |
May 11 1929 | Berkeley Divinity School enters into affiliation with Yale University. |
1929 | Institute of Human Relations established. |