Title: "Terrain Ahead" film screening with directors Anna Kipervaser + Majd Alloush
Date: Wednesday, November 6 at 1:30 PM
Location: 36 Edgewood Ave., Room 204
Additional Details: This event is open to Yale community members only.
Anna Kipervaser is a Ukrainian-born artist who currently resides in upstate New York. Kipervaser's family moved the United States 1989. She earned her BFA from the Art Academy of Cincinnati in 2003 and her MFA from Duke University in 2015. Kipervaser's career path and artistic practice were strongly impacted by witnessing the destruction of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. The attack occurred on the first day of an arts residency she held in New York City. Kipervaser's works explore topics such as human and animal bodies, ethnicity, religion, colonialism, and the environment. Her pieces span various disciplines including experimental and documentary moving image works in 16mm film and digital video, paintings, and prints. Kipervaser currently serves as a lecturer at Binghamton University.
Innerview #57 Anna Kipervaser
The Call of Cairo: An Artist Talk