Title: "Terrain Ahead" film screening with directors Anna Kipervaser + Majd Alloush
Date: Wednesday, November 6 at 1:30 PM
Location: 36 Edgewood Ave., Room 204
Additional Details: This event is open to Yale community members only.
Majd Alloush (1996) is a Syrian multimedia artist. His creative practice challenges the notion of borders in concept, content, and medium, by exploring psychology, geopolitics, and social and environmental issues such as the ramifications of war and displacement. Alloush strategically creates work wherein multiple interpretations are possible, requiring the viewer’s own worldview to inform the meaning. His work is situated within contemporary hybrid practice, at the intersection of traditional processes and innovative methodology. Alloush holds a BFA from the University of Sharjah, and earned his MFA from NYU Abu Dhabi in 2023.
Mawhibaty Students Q&A with Majd Alloush
Artist Talks: Group Edition (Majd Alloush, Saeed Al Madani, Sarah Al Mehairi & Sofiane Si Merabet)
An Artistic Spotlight on UAE's Mangroves