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Visiting Artists Research Guide : Eileen Myles, 2/19/25

Lecture Details

Title: Visiting Artist Lecture in Photography: Eileen Myles

Date: Wednesday, February 19 at 3:30 pm

Location: 1156 Chapel St., the Pool (Room G-10)

Additional Details: This event is open to School of Art community members only.

Artist Biography

Photograph of Eileen MylesEileen Myles (1949) is a poet, writer, and art journalist who has produced numerous books of poetry, novels, plays, along with other written works and performance pieces. Originally from Cambridge, Massachusetts, they graduated from UMass Boston in 1971 before moving to New York City. Myles has held various positions over the course of their career, serving as the artistic director of St. Mark's Poetry Project in the 1980s, a professor the University of California, San Diego in the early 2000s, and as a visiting writer at multiple universities across the country. Myles also ran for president in 1992 in an act of protest against remarks made by George H. W. Bush that disparaged minority groups.

Artist's Website                            Artist's Instagram

Books from the Library Catalog

Archival Materials at Yale

Articles and Written Interviews

Sample Artworks

Photograph titled Consternation about Mimm’s

Consternation about Mimm’s, 2018, digital print, 24 × 18 in. (60.96 × 45.72 cm). Bridget Donahue Gallery.

Untitled Photograph

– , 2018. digital print, 24 × 20 in. Bridget Donahue Gallery.

Photograph titled we’re going to Monte Alban & we’re looking for Mr. Churro

We’re Going to Monte Alban & We’re Looking for Mr. Churro, 2016, digital print, 23 ⅜ × 18 ½ × ½ in. (framed). Bridget Donahue Gallery.


Eileen Myles Interviewed by Linn Ullman

Rambling: Eileen Myles

Eileen Myles Interview: Writing on Drugs

Eileen Myles | a “Working Life”

Art as Channelling: Moyra Davey, Eileen Myles, Gregg Bordowitz, Aveek Sen, & Izabella Scott

Parallel Stories – Reading and Conversation with Eileen Myles - October 28, 2023

Eileen Myles: Why I Write

Eileen Myles Interview: Being a Poet in New York

Eileen Myles on Poetry, Activism, and Running for President | Legendary | NowThis

Can art be apolitical? | Eileen Myles, Anish Kapoor & Frances Morris
