SML Microform - FILM MISC 842
A diary record, 1937-1971, of Adolf Berle. Interspersed among the diary entries, are letters, memoranda of conversations, observations, speech drafts, opinions, and clippings related to American foreign policy, economic policy in the 1930s, World War II, and Latin American affairs. Also included is material on personal and family affairs, New York and national politics, the Communist threat to the United States, and his work as head of President Kennedy's Latin American task force. More than half the diary covers the years when Berle was Assistent Secretary of State, 1938-1944, and Ambassador to Brazil, 1945-1946.
A collection of materials issued by socio-political, religious, labor, and minority grass-roots organizations in Brazil. From 1966-1986 with ongoing supplements. Following website has guides and further documentation:
Buenos Aires, Argentina, Microcop, 2 reels
SML Microform - FILM MISC 124
A scrapbook of newspaper clippings on the A.B.C. (Argentina, Brazil, Chile) Mediation Conference held in Niagara Falls. The scrapbook covers the period from April 26 through August 1, 1914.
Washington, D.C., National Archives and Records Service. 8 reels, 35mm.
SML Microform - FILM RG 59 T-331
Washington, D.C., National Archives and Records Service. 3 reels, 35mm.
SML Microform - FILM RG 59 T-398
Washington, D.C., National Archives and Records Service. 9 reels, 35mm.
SML Microfilm - FILM RG 59 T-478
Washington, D.C., National Archives and Records Service. 17 reels, 35mm.
SML Microform - FILM RG 59 T-344
Washington, D.C., National Archives and Records Service. 7 reels, 35mm.
SML Microform - FILM RG 59 T-145
Washington, D.C., National Archives and Records Service. 33 reels, 35mm.
SML Microform - FILM RG 59 T-172
Washington, D.C., National Archives and Records Service. 2 reels, 35mm.
SML Microform - FILM RG 59 T-483
Washington, D.C., National Archives and Records Service. 6 reels, 35mm.
SML Microform - FILM RG 59 T-351
Washington, D.C., National Archives and Records Service. 74 reels, 35mm.
SML Microform - FILM RG 59 M-121
Arranged in chronological order. The records consist of volumes containing despatches addressed to the Department of State. Despatches and enclosures, unnumbered communications, telegrams, cables, and memoranda may also be included in these records. Published finding aid in Microform Reference. Originals at National Archives and Records Service, Washington, D.C.
Washington, D.C., National Archives and Records Service. 1965. 8 reels, 35mm.
SML Microform - FILM RG 59 M-49
Arranged in chronological order. The records include communications from foreign offices, head of state, foreign consuls, and private citizens; files also contain copies of proclamations, 7 newspapers, and miscellaneous materials. Published guide in Microform Reference. Originals at National Archives and Records Service, Washington, D.C.
Washington, D.C., National Archives and Records Service. 2 reels, 35mm.
SML Microform - FILM RG 59 M-526
The records include correspondence with diplomatic and consular officials, Department of State and other government officials, private firms, and individuals on such topics as political affairs, public order and safety, military affairs, economic matters, industrial matters, and other concerns. Published finding aid in Microform Reference. Originals at National Archives and Records Service, Washington, D.C.
Washington, D.C., National Archives and Records Service. 1 reel, 35mm.
SML Microform - FILM RG 59 M-525
The records include correspondence with diplomatic and consular officials, Department of State and other government officials, private firms, and individuals on such topics as political affairs, public order and safety, military affairs, economic matters, industrial matters, and other concerns. Published finding aid in Microform Reference. Originals at National Archives and Records Service, Washington, D.C.
Washington, D.C., National Archives and Records Service. 54 reels, 35mm.
SML Microfilm - FILM RG 59 M-519
Arranged in topical sections by decimal classification system. The records include correspondence with diplomatic and consular officials, Department of State and other government officials, private firms, and individuals on such topics as political affairs, public order and safety, military affairs, economic matters, industrial matters, and other concerns. Published finding aid available in Microform Reference. Originals at National Archives and Records Service, Washington, D.C.
Washington, D.C., National Archives and Records Service. 21 reels, 35mm.
SML Microfilm - FILM B19545
Arranged in topical sections by decimal classification system. The records include correspondence with diplomatic and consular officials, Department of State and other government officials, private firms, and individuals on such topics as political affairs, public order and safety, military affairs, economic matters, industrial matters, and other concerns. Published finding aid available in Microform Reference. Originals at National Archives and Records Service, Washington, D.C.